
Moving Pro Tips For Procrastinators


If you are a procrastinator, you’re probably dreading the packing and moving process. But every minute you put off handling a critical task is another minute you’ll be stressed out as moving day rapidly approaches.

Even people who aren’t normally procrastinators can feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things they have to do before completing a relocation. This can paralyze you into doing very little, when in fact this is no time to fall behind. Check out these helpful suggestions so you can pick up the pace.

Get Rid of Belongings You Don’t Need

Moving is a great time to decide what you really need and don’t need. Get rid of your old gaming systems, broken appliances, old furniture and outgrown clothes. You can trash the stuff that’s broken, donate what’s in good shape and sell what’s in excellent shape. This will free up space on the truck and in your new home, saving you from having to pack more than you need.

Gather the Proper Packing Supplies

Start this process early. It’s relatively easy. Hit the store to pick up cardboard boxes, bins, cartons, tape, bubble wrap, packing paper and moving blankets. Get that stuff free wherever you can. The liquor store and grocery store are both great places to try. They often give out all their extra boxes to customers who want them. If you can chip away at this task early on, you’ll save time and money later.

Break Chores Down Into Manageable Chunks

The biggest reason why people procrastinate is because they feel overwhelmed. Do what you can to break down the chores into smaller tasks so you don’t feel anxious. You can commit to packing up one room every day, for instance. Or, you can devote one afternoon to packing up your DVD and CD collection. You can devote another day to packing seasonal items and décor. Whatever you do, check it off your list when done to give you a sense of accomplishment.

Take your time and relax. Pack while watching TV, listening to a podcast or checking out some new tunes. Keep some healthy snacks at hand so you can pop some trail mix or have a granola bar when your energy level gets low. You don’t want to lose energy and time, and stopping for a large lunch or dinner can eat into your productivity if you’re on a roll.

Spread the wealth and have your kids and other family members help out. They can each be responsible for packing their own rooms. Give them tasks that are age appropriate. Even small children can pack their favorite stuffed animals and toys. Older teens can help with the heavy lifting, labeling, and logistic-based tasks.

Treat Yourself

Reward yourself for hard work, says Inc. Go for a walk, have a snack or hit the movies when you have completed a task. Taking little breaks will spur you to keep accomplishing more.

Ask For Help and Then Take It

It’s hard to ask for and accept help. But moving is one time when you should absolutely take any and all help you can possibly get. If your mom offers to come over to watch the kids while you pack, take her up on it. If a friend offers to bring you some coffee so you can take a much-needed break, say yes!

If you just can’t handle the stress of packing, you don’t want to pick up all the supplies, or you have simply procrastinated too long, hire your movers to do the packing for you. They will bring all the necessary supplies and equipment to get everything boxed up safely for the trip. This is a lifesaver for procrastinators!

Your movers will also be able to provide you with advice for moving day. Perhaps they have helpful hints on how to pack, or when to start. Ask for a moving timeline so you can stay on track. The point is, ask for help and follow it. It will help you immensely in the long run.

Contact Big Lake Movers

Let the pros handle your upcoming move and save yourself time and hassle. Get in touch with Big Lake Movers in Grand Rapids at 616-319-4478. We would be happy to supply all you procrastinators out there with a free quote on packing and moving to make your life easier.





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