
How to Prepare for Office Movers

Whether your business is growing or you’re moving to a more convenient location, you can count on our office movers for support. We provide the moving help you need during office relocation to eliminate stress, worry, and hassle. Continue reading to learn how to prepare for our office movers. For more information or to schedule your moving estimate, don’t hesitate to call our professional movers.

Assign a Go-To Person

Planning the office relocation is a full-time job. In fact, you may want to assign someone from your team to oversee moving preparations. Many office moving companies appreciate having one point of contact with their clients because it eliminates confusion. Having a go-to person will also make the moving process easier for you because you won’t have competing information from multiple employees.

It’s important to start organizing your team early so you can predict difficulties ahead of time. In general, our commercial movers recommend you allow more time and budget than you think you’ll need. Have your go-to person schedule a moving estimate so you have a better idea of what it’ll cost to move to the new office.

Set Deadlines

Set deadlines for your employees to clean out their desks and box up their things. That way, you and your team will be ready on moving day. The last thing you want is for employees to be packing up their things at the last minute. Our professional movers are willing to work within your deadline so you can resume business operations as soon as possible.

There will be many things you won’t need to bring with you to the new office, like the broken computer sitting in the storage closet. Moving is the perfect opportunity to purge your office of things that are broken or no longer needed. Once you move to your new office, it’ll be like a fresh start.

Plan the Layout

Don’t assume all your furniture will fit in the new office. We highly recommend sending someone to the new office to measure the dimensions of all the rooms. That way, you can have peace of mind knowing that there is a place for each piece of furniture.

Office desks and other furniture can take up a lot of space, which is why it’s important to plan accordingly. If you have an office layout drawn up, our office movers will be more than happy to place your furniture accordingly. It also helps our commercial movers if you label the new offices ahead of time with each person’s name. That way, there’s no confusion about where local movers should place boxes.

Stay Organized

We highly recommend labeling boxes so our office movers know where to place your stuff. Advise employees to write their names in more than one place on their boxes so their names can be easily seen from any angle. If each box is carefully labeled, it’ll be easier for everyone to find what they need post-move.

The more prepared you are for our commercial movers, the better experience you’ll have. We recommend planning the layout of your office so our furniture movers know where to place desks, computers, printers, and other office essentials.

Our movers are dedicated to making your office relocation a success. To schedule your moving quote, call Big Lake Movers in Grand Rapids or Kalamazoo.

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